By living in tune with nature, druids are able to call upon the elements to help protect them from those who do them harm. While they may seem weak in combat, druids can actually be quite formidable opponents.

Class Bonus: Chance for bonus damage on Nature spells starting at level 30.

Stat adjustments (gained per level):
Hit : 100%
Mana: 125%
Move: 125%

THAC0 = 30.5 - (LEVEL * 2/3)

Class has the following proficiencies(max prof):

 1  slash(99%)  1  bludgeon(99%)  3  pierce(99%)
 3  gusher(99%)  5  hide(99%)  5  hunt(99%)
 5  barkskin(99%)  7  spore cloud(99%)  7  faerie fire(99%)
 9  kick(99%)  9  extra_damage(99%) 11  needlestorm(99%)
12  venom blade(99%) 13  heal minor(99%) 13  sustenance(99%)
15  beastial tranform(99%) 17  second(99%) 17  summon treant(99%)
19  dodge(99%) 20  meditation(99%) 21  thornwrack(99%)
23  vitalize mana(99%) 25  stoneskin(99%) 25  animal summon(99%)
27  heal medium(99%) 31  vigorize minor(99%) 35  wrath of nature(99%)
37  vigorize medium(99%)